Over the past several years, Sagada has emerged as a popular destination, especially among adventurers and soul searchers. It is most famous for Sumaguing Cave, Blue soil Hill, Bomod-ok Falls, and the Hanging Coffins, a traditional way of honoring the dead, which is still practiced to this day. but when the film That thing Called Tadhana featured it in its most iconic scenes, this quiet town made a permanent mark on pop culture as a romantic destination.
But Sagada isn’t the easiest to reach. From Manila, it is quite a long drive. For the longest time, the most common way to get there is by first going to Baguio and catching another bus to Sagada. but more options have been made available over the past couple of years. the most convenient is the direct BUS, which can take you from Quezon City (in Metro Manila) straight to Sagada overnight.
In this post, we’ll discuss these two options in detail: by direct bus and by making a stop in Baguio.
Was befindet sich in diesem Leitfaden?
Manila to Sagada by direct Bus
Manila to Sagada via Baguio1. ride a bus to Baguio City.
2. Take a taxi to GL Trans Terminal.
3. catch a bus to Sagada.
Top Sagada Hotels
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Manila to Sagada by direct Bus
Coda Lines corporation offers a direct transit between Manila and Sagada via Banaue and Bontoc. The company shares the bus terminal with HM carry in Cubao along EDSA-Southbound. There are two types of bus: Semi Deluxe Bus (No CR) and super Deluxe Bus (CR Onboard).
Will there be stopovers for super Deluxe Buses? JA! same as the stops that Semi Deluxe Buses will make.
Time of Departure: All are OVERNIGHT BUSES. You can sleep during the ride and when you wake up, you’re already in Sagada!
10:30 PM
Please be at the terminal at least thirty minutes (or an hour) before departure time.
Fares: P760 (Semi Deluxe) and P980 (Super Deluxe). It’s highly recommended to book your seat in advance to secure your slot. They prioritize those who book online. It’s a bit risky to do walk-in as seats can run out real fast. There’s an admin fee of P35.
To book online, just go to Coda Line’s booking site (http://codalines.philippinebus.com/) or contact them at 0927 559 2197 and 0929 521 3229. HM carry Cubao address is at Monte de Piedad corner Maryland Street, Cubao, Quezon City.
Here’s how to book online:
Go to http://codalines.philippinebus.com/ and punch in the necessary details: date of your departure, point of origin, and destination.
You will be directed to a page that allows you to choose the bus type and the departure time.
Once you are done selecting the bus type and the time of departure, you will then choose your seat (marked by numbers).
After that, you will be shown a summary of your booking details. then fill out the passenger information form.
Click proceed and pay via Paypal or bank deposit. The management will contact you hours before your departure once you are paid and done with the transaction.
Manila to Sagada via Baguio
It is also possible to reach Sagada via Baguio. This involves a change of bus and terminal in Baguio City. A number of companies offer bus services to Baguio, but two of the most popular are victory liner and joy Bus. These are also the only two we have tried, so we’ll be focusing on them.
1. ride a bus to Baguio City.
Victory liner has terminals in:
JoyBus has terminals in:
To see the full schedule and fares of JoyBus and victory liner buses, check out: MANILA TO BAGUIO BUS SCHEDULE.
If you can, choose a late night bus so you’ll arrive in Baguio in the early morning because the last Sagada-bound bus leaves Baguio at either 11:30am or 01:00pm.
2. Take a taxi to GL Trans Terminal.
GL Trans and Lizardo Trans are the two bus companies that offer the Baguio-Sagada route. between the two, GL Trans is more recommended by our local friends.
From victory Liner/JoyBus station, take a taxi to GL Trans Terminal.
Fare: P80.
Travel time: 10 minutes.
3. catch a bus to Sagada.
At the GL Trans Terminal, approach the counter and purchase a ticket to Sagada, which costs P220.
As of writing, here are the schedule and routes:
05:30 am – Sagada > Besau
08:30 am – Sagada Ambasing
09:30 am – Sagada > Besau
10:30 am – Sagada > Besau
11:30 am – Sagada Ambasing
01:00 pm (last trip) – Sagada > Besau
Notice that the latest departure time is at 1:00 PM. If you are coming from Manila, make sure to be in Baguio before the last bus departs. It’s better to arrive early in the morning to guarantee the transfer to Sagada from Baguio to give you time allowance and save you from the hassle and stress. note that the seats can sell out fast, especially on weekends, that even when you arrive at 10:00 AM, the bus departing at 11:30 AM is already full.
Travel time: 6 hours.
Fare: P220.
Wachsam sein. Don’t fallSchlafen, weil Sagada Town nicht dort ist, wo die Reise endet. Sie könnten es vermissen und in Besau landen, was der übliche letzte Stopp für die Route ist.
Keine Reservierungs- und Vor- und Voraus Buchungen. Auch hier müssen Sie frühzeitig dort sein, da sie Buskarten für den Zeitplan dieses Tages nur dann zuerst kommen und zuerst servieren.
Der Ticketverkauf beginnt um 5:00 Uhr.
Hunger, während Sie auf Ihren Bus warten? Baguios beliebtes lokales Restaurant, Good Taste, hat eine Niederlassung in der Nähe des Terminals.
Der Bus wird mindestens zwei Zwischenstopps machen.
Top Sagada Hotels
Isabelo’s Inn & Café. Preise & Verfügbarkeit prüfen!
Masferre Country Inn & Restaurant. Preise & Verfügbarkeit prüfen!
Omas gelbes Haus. Preise & Verfügbarkeit prüfen!
Kanip-Aw-Pines View Lodge. Preise & Verfügbarkeit prüfen!
Kenlibed Inn. Preise & Verfügbarkeit prüfen!
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